Friday, January 31, 2014

Bulk Heads

Measured and cut out the bulk heads the other day. Decided to put some hatches in some grab a couple from BCF and cut holes with a jigsaw. Didn't have anything to nicely mark a 165mm circle so made a makeshift marker with a nail and pencil.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kayak Takes Shape

Some good progress over the long weekend. The kayak is now taking shape with the stitching almost done. Still need to put the bulkheads in, but the shear and bilge panels have been stitched and the shear clamps cut and glued. I used cheap galvanised wire as I am not going to leave the wire in the kayak. I'll tack the outside and then completely remove the wires before doing the inside.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Back on deck

Back from a couple weeks of holidays. Finished off the shaping of the shear panels and then glued the shear clamps on. Rounded up all of the clamps I could get my hands on and also used the PVC pipe clamp trick. Need to cut out and shape the bilge panels next.

Saturday, January 18, 2014